Natural Language Processing NLP

Articles & Tutorials


Webscraping using BeautifulSoup

NLP Data Preparation: From Regex to Word Cloud Packages and Data Visualization

Understand HTML structure for scraping/ BeautifulSoup

4 Steps of Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Topic Modeling in NLP

Text visualization

Scrap contents of an article

Advanced NLP

Uncovering Infrastructural Needs Using Topic Modelling and NLP

Using NLP Libraries to Discover What the Internet Says about Omdena

Hugging Face

Multilingual Machine translation paper

Zero-Shot Text Classification with Hugging Face

Package to process text

NLP Analysis and Feature Engineering: Untangling the Data To Help NGOs Get Funding

Website to keep track of NLP progress

Using NLP: Fight Misinformation And Detect Fake News

Facebook’s new AI can translate languages directly into one another

Using Topic Modeling to Understand Climate Change Domains

NLP tutorial

NLP and Computer Vision Integrated

Topic Analysis to Identify (and Classify) Environmental Policies

Geospatial Natural Language Processing

Human first


Exploratory text data analysis

Detailed EDA

NLP Pipeline: Understanding Land Ownership in Kenya through Network Analysis

A complete explanation of exploratory text data analysis and visualization

BERT Documentation

DistilBERT Documentation

bi- LSTM


RoBERTa Documentation

Universal sentence encoder

XGBoost documentation

Service built to help organizations and online communities detect, monitor and analyze hate speech

ai plain english in convolutional networks

Extract text from pdf



Vector Hub library

Semi-supervised Topic Modelling (CorEx Model)

Complete Project codebase

Multilingual Machine Translation

A repository that houses the data, code, results and research for building open baseline NLP results for African languages

Topic modelling example using BERTopic

Codes to build models using Twitter data

WIP code for ground truthing dataset for buildings - Microsoft Bing Blogs


Hate speech dataset

Get the urls of top web search results for a certain claim or quote

Python library for graph deep learning, based on the Keras API and TensorFlow 2.

Node classification for CORA dataset

Code developed to explore claims verification

An open source dataset used for validation of the claim verification modeling

Research Papers

Top2vec paper

Facebook AI Machine Multilingual translation

Text summarization using Latent Semantic Analysis

Facebook’s new AI Model that can translate100 languages

Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language

8 Amazing Secrets for Getting More Clicks”: Detecting Clickbaits in News Streams Using Article Informality

Crowdsourcing a Large Corpus of Clickbait on Twitter

Detecting Media Bias in News Articles using Gaussian Bias Distributions

In Plain Sight: Media Bias through the Lens of Factual Reporting

Gradient-Based Adversarial Training on Transformer Networks for Detecting Check-Worthy Factual Claims

Hate Speech Dataset from a White Supremacy Forum. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online

Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language

Quantifying News Media Bias through Crowdsourcing and Machine Learning Dataset

We Can Detect Your Bias: Predicting the Political Ideology of News Articles

Political Ideology Detection Using Recursive Neural Networks

Automated check bait