Computer Vision

Articles & Tutorials

Point cloud & Depth map

Learning OpenCV from Scratch to Build a Pedestrian Detector

NASA Mars exploration

Best for anomaly detection in images

Jetson AGX Xavier: Deep Learning Inference Benchmarks

Computer Vision tutorial : A Step-by-Step Introduction to Image Segmentation Techniques (Part 1)

Splash of Color : Instance Segmentation with Mask R-CNN and Tensorflow

Awesome Computer Vision Models

Visualizing Pathologies in Ultrasound Images Using OpenCV and Streamlit

Optimization of Edge based Inference Pipeline for Weed Control

Object-based Land Cover Classification with Python

Dataset Management for Computer Vision

Residual Networks: Implementing ResNet in Pytorch

Posture recognition using an RGB-D blog

Detecting Weeds Through YolactEdge Instance Segmentation to Support Smart Farming

Image processing using TensorFlow


Basics on Point Clouds and Depth Data

Automatic leaf infection detection

Crop disease detector

Images of Mars and images segmentation

OpenCV C++

Posture recognition using an RGB-D repository

Research papers

Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds: A Survey

VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation

Human Height Estimation by Color Deep Learning and Depth 3D Conversion

Go Wider: an efficient neural network for point cloud analysis via group convolutions

Posture recognition using an RGB-D camera

Pixel2Mesh Generating 3D Mesh Models from Single RGB Images

Anthropometric clothing measurements from 3D body scans

Computer Vision and IoT-Based Sensors in Flood Monitoring and Mapping: A Systematic Review

Anomaly detection with convolutional neural networks for industrial surface inspection

Robust Anomaly Detection in Images using Adversarial Autoencoders

Deep learning for anomaly detection

Deep retinal image understanding

Feature extraction, anomaly detection

Deep Anomaly Detection Using Geometric Transformations

Adversarially Learned Anomaly Detection (ALAD)

Object Detection

Articles & Tutorials

Discrete Point Flow Networks for Efficient Point Cloud Generation

Object Detection for Preventing Road Crashes and Saving Lives

Object Detection for Equirectangular Projections

Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection in Point Cloud

Face Detection

Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection in Point Cloud

A 2019 guide to Human Pose Estimation with Deep Learning

Fast data augmentation in PyTorch using Nvidia DALI

Image data labeling and annotation

Panorama photo stitcher

TorchVision Object Detection Finetuning Tutorial

How-To : Python compare Two Images

Metrics to Evaluate your Semantic Segmentation Model

An Introduction to Evaluation Metrics for Object Detection

Detection evaluation metrics used by COCO (Common Objects in Context)

VGGNet vs ResNet

Introduction to Point Cloud


Anomaly detection


Mask_RCNN for Object Detection and Segmentation


Research Papers


Monitoring and Controlling Rice Diseases Using Image Processing Techniques

AI applications in space: Anomaly detection in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data

Object detection techniques

Automated crater detection on Mars using deep learning

Automated detection of geological landforms on Mars using Convolutional Neural Networks